

The App.Metrics.StatsD nuget package reports metrics to StatsD using the App.Metrics.Formatting.StatsD and App.Metrics.Reporting.StatsD nuget packages to format and report metrics.

Getting started

To use the Datadog HTTP reporter, first install the nuget package:

nuget install App.Metrics.StatsD

Then enable the reporter using Report.ToStatsDTcp(...):

var metrics = new MetricsBuilder()
    .Report.ToStatsDTcp(options => {})

or using Report.ToStatsDUdp(...):

var metrics = new MetricsBuilder()
    .Report.ToStatsDUdp(options => {})

See Reporting for details on configuring metric report scheduling.


There are several flavors of StatsD available. App.Metrics.StatsD currently supports the original Etsy and DogStatsD variants of StatsD, DogStatsD is a StatsD variant that is used to report StatsD metrics to DataDog; by default, the Etsy variant is used.

Supported Metrics

  • Gauge metrics will be formatted as StatsD gauge “g
  • Count metrics will be formatted as StatsD count “c
  • Histogram metrics will be formatted as StatsD histogram “h
  • Meter metrics will be formatted as StatsD meter “m
  • Timer metrics will be formatted as StatsD timer “ms

Timer metrics are not natively supported by DogStatsD. Replace timer metric with histogram if you have to send a timer-like StatsD metric to DogStatsD ingress endpoint.


To change the default formatter to DogStatsD, change the formatter in the options:

var metrics = new MetricsBuilder()
        options => {
            options.StatsDOptions.MetricNameFormatter = new DefaultDogStatsDMetricStringSerializer();


Configuration options are provided as a setup action used with ToStatsDTcp(...) and ToStatsDUdp(...).

To configure StatsD reporting options:

var filter = new MetricsFilter().WhereType(MetricType.Timer);
var metrics = new MetricsBuilder()
        options => {
            options.StatsDOptions.MetricNameFormatter = new DefaultStatsDMetricStringSerializer();
            options.StatsDOptions.DefaultSampleRate = 1.0;
            options.StatsDOptions.TagMarker = '#';
            options.SocketPolicy.BackoffPeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
            options.SocketPolicy.FailuresBeforeBackoff = 5;
            options.SocketPolicy.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            options.SocketSettings.Address = "localhost";
            options.SocketSettings.Port = 8125;
            options.Filter = filter;

The configuration options provided are:

Option Description
StatsDOptions.MetricNameFormatter The metric payload formatter used when reporting StatsD metrics. There are 2 built-in formatter provided, DefaultStatsDMetricStringSerializer and DefaultDogStatsDMetricStringSerializer
StatsDOptions.DefaultSampleRate The sample rate used to send metrics that supports them.
StatsDOptions.TagMarker The character used to mark the start of tag section for reporters that supports metric tagging.
Filter The filter used to filter metrics just for this reporter.
SocketPolicy.BackoffPeriod The TimeSpan to back-off when metrics are failing to report to the metrics ingress endpoint.
SocketPolicy.FailuresBeforeBackoff The number of failures before backing-off when metrics are failing to report to the metrics ingress endpoint.
SocketPolicy.Timeout The socket timeout duration when attempting to report metrics to the metrics ingress endpoint.
SocketSettings.Address The socket address of the metrics ingress endpoint.
SocketSettings.Port The socket port of the metrics ingress endpoint.